Friday 27 January 2023 - 19:51
Quran Red Line of Islamic World

The head of clerical affairs of Beit ol-Moqaddas Kurdistan Corps said, “The Holy Quran and other holy books are sacred to all of us Muslims and are known as the red line.”

Hawzah News Agency- Hujjat al -Islam Jamal Ghodrati, in an interview with Hawzah News in Kurdistan Province, while condemning the insult to the holy sanctities of Islam and other heavenly religion, stated,” insulting the Holy Quran, which is the word of God Almighty, showed the false face of freedom of speech in the true sense in the Western world.”

Emphasizing that the Holy Quran and other holy books are sacred to all of us Muslims and known as a red line, this professor reminded,” when a person or movement in a society allow themselves to insult the holy sanctities of religions, there is no doubt about it that society is facing many moral and ideological problems.”

The head of clerical affairs of the Beit ol-Moqaddas Kurdistan Corps demanded to deal with this kind of anti-religious actions and noted,” the governments in which this inhumane and violent action is easily carried out are very weak, lying and anti-religious governments whose output is their citizens will be nothing but reaching an ideological and spiritual dead end.”

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