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لیستی صفحه سرویس
Hadith of the day:
Receiving the good of both this and the next life
If someone wants hadith for the worldly benefits he will have no share for it in the next life, but if one wants hadith for the good of the next life, Allah will give him the good of both this…
Daily supplications for the blessed Month of Ramadhan - day 24
O Allah, I ask You for what pleases You, and I seek refuge in You from what displeases You, I ask You to grant me the opportunity to obey You and not disobey You.
Hadith of the day:
Two kinds of people with great appetites do not become satisfied
In the matters of the worldly gains if one would limit himself to what Allah has made lawful form him he is saved and if one would accumulate such gains in unlawful ways he is destroyed unless…
Daily supplications for the blessed Month of Ramadhan - day 23
O Allah, wash away my sins, purify me from all flaws, examine my heart with (for) the piety of the hearts.
Hadith of the day:
Al-Kāfi / Chapter on Utilization of Knowledge 7
When you hear knowledge you must utilize it and your hearts must become more open. When knowledge increases in one’s heart it becomes harder to bear and Satan may over power him.
Daily supplications for the blessed Month of Ramadhan - day 22
O Allah, open for me the doors of Your Grace, send down on me its blessings, help me towards the causes of Your mercy, and give me a place in the comforts of Paradise.
Hadith of the day:
Al-Kāfi / Chapter on Utilization of Knowledge 6
O people, if you learn and gain knowledge you must act accordingly so that you may have guidance. A learned person who disregards his knowledge is like a lost and ignorant person who never comes…
Daily supplications for the blessed Month of Ramadhan - 21st day
O Allah, show me the way to win Your pleasure, do not let Shaytan have a means over me, make Paradise an abode and a resting place for me.
Hadith of the day:
Al-Kāfi / Chapter on Utilization of Knowledge 5
One whose words agree with his deeds you must consider his testimony as valid and one whose words do not agree with his deeds (if he may have faith) it is temporarily.
Daily supplications for the blessed Month of Ramadhan - 20th day
O Allah, open for me the doors of the heavens and lock the doors of Hell from me, help me to recite the Qur'an.
Daily supplications for the blessed Month of Ramadhan - 19th day
O Allah, multiply for me its blessings, and ease my path towards its bounties, do not deprive me of the acceptance of its good deeds.
Hadith of the day:
Al-Kāfi / Chapter on Utilization of Knowledge 4
Do not inquire to know what you do not know until you practice what you know because not practicing what one knows does not increase to one anything but disbelief and nor it increases anything…