لیستی صفحه سرویس
Hadith of the day:
Al-Kāfi / Chapter on the Qualities of the Scholars 4
Of the signs of Fiqh, good understanding of religion is forbearance and quietness.
Hadith of the day:
Al-Kāfi / Chapter on the Qualities of the Scholars 3
You must know that there is nothing good in a knowledge without good understanding.
One who is not trustworthy has no faith
The sensitivity and importance of worldly trusts are such that, when fulfilling them and remaining loyal to them, no distinction exists between whether the trust belongs to a friend or an enemy.
Hadith of the day:
Al-Kāfi / Chapter on the Qualities of the Scholars 2
One whose actions do not align with their words is not knowledgeable.
Aligning Our Lives with God’s Will: Teachings from the Infallibles
Humans, throughout their lives, are faced with numerous paths and choices. But which of these can truly help them better and more effectively in the path of servitude to God?
Hadith of the day:
Al-Kāfi / Chapter on the Qualities of the Scholars
Seek knowledge and beautify it with forbearance and dignity. Be humble to your students and to those from whom you learn.
Book introduction:
"Shi'i beliefs in the Bible" by Thomas McElwain
The Hebrew Scriptures and the holy Qur’an are perhaps closer to each other in expression than has generally been acknowledged.
Hadith of the day:
Al-Kāfi / Chapter on the reward for the scholars and those who seek knowledge 6
Whoever acquires knowledge and practice what he has learned and teach it to others for the sake of Allah, among the angels of heavens he will be called a great personality.
Do not sell yourself for anything less than Paradise
If a person becomes aware of their value and the lofty status of their humanity, they will never, under any circumstances, submit to humiliation or servitude to anyone other than God.
Hadith of the day:
Al-Kāfi / Chapter on the reward for the scholars and those who seek knowledge 5
If only people knew how much reward there is for seeking knowledge, they would have sought it even if they would have had to shed their blood for it or dive in large waves.
Islamic laws:
The need for two witnesses while divorce is recited
The presence of two just Mo'men (believer) male witnesses is required; without their presence the divorce would not be in order.
Hadith of the day:
Al-Kāfi / Chapter on the reward for the scholars and those who seek knowledge 4
Whoever would introduce a subject of misguidance he will suffer equal to the suffering due for each time it is practiced without any reduction in the suffering of whoever would practice such…