تیتر سه زیرسرویس
Book introduction:
"Al-Tawhid and Its Social Implications" by Sayyid Ali Khamene'i
Tawhid as a world outlook implies the unity, coherence, and harmony between all parts of the universe.
Book introduction:
"From Marriage to Parenthood; The Heavenly Path" by Shaheen Merali
The concept of marriage in Islam is so sacred and valued, that the doors of Allāh (SwT)’s mercy are open on this occasion.
Book introduction:
"Shi'i beliefs in the Bible" by Thomas McElwain
The Hebrew Scriptures and the holy Qur’an are perhaps closer to each other in expression than has generally been acknowledged.
Book introduction:
"Contemporary Topics of Islamic Thought" by Muhammad Legenhausen
There are obstacles to dialogue among civilizations beyond the fact that civilizations lack the appropriate body parts, and these must also be considered as we reflect on how to understand the…
Book introduction:
"Stories of Bahlool" by Kubra Jafri
Because of the situation, Bahlool acted insanely by the Imam's order. By doing this, he was saved from Haroun's punishment.
Book introduction:
"A Journey To The Fact" (A conversation between a father and son)
Love and obedience are inseparable. A poet said “A lover obeys the beloved.”
Book introduction:
"A Shi'ite Creed" by Shaykh Saduq
In the Book of Allah, the Mighty and Glorious, there are verses which the ignorant will find inconsistent with, and contrary to, one another. But in fact they are not so.
Book introduction:
"The Collection and Preservation of the Qur'an" by Sayyid Abu al-Qasim al-Khoei
When tawattur exists, the written or memorized evidence is superfluous and redundant.
Book introduction:
"Lessons from the Nahjul Balaghah" by Sayyid Ali Khamene'i
The true believers have always been the most overburdened, the most pain suffering and the poorest creatures of God.
Book introduction:
"Istikhara: Seeking The Best From Allah (SWT)" by Muhammad Baqir Haideri
If a true servant of Allah, with sincerity and a pure heart, asks Him for guidance even one time, then without doubt, Allah will guide him towards that which is good and advisable for him.
Book introduction:
"Ameerul Momineen (A.S) In Quran" by Syed Jazib Reza Kazmi
Siratul Mustaqeem is Ameerul Momineen Ali (asws) ibn Abi Talib (as).
On the arrival of the holy month of Rajab:
A'amal and Du'as of the holy month of Rajab
Rajab is (the name of) a river in paradise. Its color is whiter than milk; its taste is sweeter than honey. Whoever fasts one day in (the month of) Rajab will have Allah quench his thirst from…
Book introduction:
"Essence of the Holy Qur’an: The Eternal Light" by Mirza Mahdi Pooya
The Holy Qur’an commands people to write down their business, their agreements, and other transactions, and keep witnesses to avoid doubts and disputes later on. So it is not credible in which…
Book introduction:
"Excerpts from the Holy Qur’an, an Eternal Guidance to Mankind" by Hasnain Mohamedali
The Muslim world as a whole without any exception of any school of thought in it, know the fact and acknowledges it unreservedly that for the wonderful qualities of divine excellence, it was…
Book introduction:
"Trends of History in Qur'an" by Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr
The only difference between us and the advocates of historical materialism is that according to historical materialism it is production instruments which bring exploitation into existence and…
Book introduction:
"The Qur’an As Reflected In Nahj Al-Balaghah" by Muhammad Taqi Misbah Yazdi
Notwithstanding the existence of the Qur’an, why do we still suffer from problems, especially cultural problems?
Book introduction:
"Ancient Prophets for a Modern World - The True Story of Jesus (P)" by Mansour Leghaei
Christian theologians quote from many passages of the Old Testament such as passages in the Psalms and the Book of Prophet Isaiah to prove the advent of Jesus. Muslim scholars also quote from…
Book introduction:
"Understanding the Uniqueness of the Quran" by Murtadha Mutahhari
The people, who do not reason, are those who do not make use of their intellect and their faculty of thought. Such are not fit to be called human beings. The Qur'an includes them among the beasts.
Book introduction:
The Islamic Moral System: Tafsir - Commentary Of Surah Al-Hujarat
The principle issue in the lives of the youth is that of the control of their sentiments and feelings. The control of ones’ natural instincts and keeping ones’ sentiments from going to the two…
Book introduction:
"Principles of Upbringing Children" by Ibrahim Amini
In the eyes of Islam the status of the father and the mother is very exalted. Allah, the Holy Prophet and the Infallible Imams have exhorted the people in this regard. There are a lot of verses…