Saturday 21 December 2024 - 09:20
The Islamic Moral System: Tafsir - Commentary Of Surah Al-Hujarat

The principle issue in the lives of the youth is that of the control of their sentiments and feelings. The control of ones’ natural instincts and keeping ones’ sentiments from going to the two extremes of extravagance and miserliness is one of the greatest difficulties in the life of a person, especially during the period of ones’ adolescence. This is the stage of life in which the young man or woman sees a crisis in relation to his or her feelings and where the power of the youths’ internal wishes and desires take over.

Hawzah News Agency - In a detailed commentary of Surah al-Hujarat, Ayatullah Ja'far Subhani elaborates on the ethical aspects behinds its revelation and expounds on a range of ethical problems that are experienced in society which are thoroughly dealt with by Islamic teachings. ...



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