تیتر سه زیرسرویس
Islamic laws:
Can we give up fasting in a hot season of the year when the days are long?
If fasting prevents him from doing work as the sole source of earning of his livelihood i.e. it causes him weakness to the extent that he is unable to fast or causes excessive thirst, making…
Islamic laws:
Breaking fast thinking it is not obligatory on you
If someone was certain that fasting is not obligatory on him, there is no kaffara on him nor is any fidya payable. However, Qadha is obligatory on him.
Islamic laws:
Conditions and Requirements of Obligatory Fast
For fasting in Ramadan to be obligatory, one should meet some of the terms.
Islamic laws:
Is khums on depositing money obligatory?
Khums is payable on what has surpassed his annual needs, except in the case of a government employee in a Muslim state that deposits his salary into a state or private bank.
Islamic laws:
What is the duty of a person who has a lot of doubts in Wudu’, Prayer, Ghusl, etc.?
Some individuals experience significant doubt in their religious matters to the extent that it disrupts their lives, particularly their spiritual practices. What is the duty of such individuals…
Islamic laws:
'Iddah is not necessary if no sexual intercourse has taken place
A woman who took divorce from her husband (the wedding ceremony was not held) is not necessary to perform `Iddah.
Islamic laws:
The need for two witnesses while divorce is recited
The presence of two just Mo'men (believer) male witnesses is required; without their presence the divorce would not be in order.
Islamic laws:
Child Custody 2
A wife who neither obeys her husband nor fulfills her marital duties, does not deserve spousal maintenance from a shari’a point of view. But her mahr (dowry) and her right of custody of children…
Islamic laws:
Child Custody
A woman, who is not obedient to her husband and does not carry out her matrimonial obligations is not entitled to shar'i maintenance.
Islamic laws:
Doing a job with a degree achieved through cheating
What is the law about someone who is doing a job with a degree he has achieved through cheating?
Islamic laws:
To write a thesis on behalf of another person
If writing a thesis on behalf of another person is against the university's rules, this action and receiving money for it are problematic.
Islamic laws:
Contraceptives - Birth Control
It is permissible for a woman to use Intrauterine Devices (IUD) and other birth control devices provided that they do not pose serious harm to the woman’s health and that the insertion of the…
Islamic laws:
Congregational prayer behind a Sunni Imam
It is permissible to offer prayer in Sunnis' congregational prayers.
Islamic laws:
Blood seen in the yolk or the white part of the egg
The clot of blood inside the egg is pure, but it is Haram [Forbidden for consumption].
Islamic laws:
Blood mixed with the saliva of mouth
The blood, which comes from inside the teeth, vanishes as it gets mixed with the saliva, the saliva is Tahir (pure), and it can go down the throat.
Islamic laws:
Business 2
There is no problem in praying in places or offices about whose ownership we have no idea nor in using the water for wudhu as long as it is not known to have been usurped.
Islamic laws:
Based on the demands of Islamic brotherhood and the rights that Muslims have over one another, it is better to choose Muslims over non-Muslims as long as it does not entail any problem.
Islamic laws:
If someone's duty is to do a job without getting money but he does not do it without receiving it, giving money to get something done is permissible but it is haram for the recipient to use the…
Islamic laws:
Black Magic 2
Magic in all its shapes and forms is forbidden [even that which is used to undo magic] unless the matter rests upon a greater benefit such as saving the life of a respected person.