In His Holy Name
The need for round the clock news coverage of seminary activities fast tracked the launch of "Hawzah News". This is a service to keep those interested with up to date news of the Islamic Seminary.
On 23rd of January 2006, the news agency was launched in the presence of outstanding figures and the Islamic seminary management. Since its take off, considering the express broadcasting of news, this agency has offered worthwhile services to the Islamic society.
More than one hundred thousand seminary related news stories have been broadcasted to more than two hundred mass media agencies and various broadcasting channels, 80% of which were aired by the national media.
Some of the most important achievements of the Hawzah News Agency include; reflection of the most recent views of Maraji’ and Islamic seminary erudite, news of the seminary centres, schools, and institutions, regular news exchange with Mass media especially national media and its bureaux, dispatching reporters abroad, preparing detailed reports on religious and Islamic institutions abroad, dispatching reporters to various provinces, compiling reports from seminary schools and centres, conversing with the Jum’ah representatives, and seminary and cultural management of different parts of country, appropriate coverage of seminary conferences (national and international) alongside exclusive talk with national and international figures, while broadcasting their views on the position and status of seminary schools, exclusive activities on dialogue among various religions and and different schools of thought.
Hawza News Agency is affiliated with the seminary school management centre and is managed by Hujjat al-Islam Hosseini Koohsari.
The access to this website is through
The electronic email for comments and suggestion of the respected audience and the news and reports from various seminary and religious centres in different locations.