تیتر سه زیرسرویس
On the occasion of "Women's Day", March 8
What has Western capitalism done to women?
The West keeps masquerading as defender of freedom and equality, but once the Western social and economic structures are deeply taken into consideration, shocking realities are revealed.
"The Islamic Righting Of Human Rights" by Muhammad Legenhausen
Muslims are regularly and forcefully enjoined to treat their fellow men with respect and dignity, but the bases for these injunctions are divine commands that establish only duties, not human…
On the birth anniversary of Imam Hussain (pbuh):
We must introduce Hussain ibn Ali (pbuh)
The logic of Hussain ibn Ali (pbuh) is the logic of defending the truth, the logic of standing up to oppression, rebellion, deviation, and Arrogance.
On the Occasion of Feast of Mab'ath:
Mab'ath; the Rise of God’s mercy
The Holy Prophet is a good exemplar. This means he was a role model whom we must follow. He is on a peak and we need to move from this base toward that peak. Humankind must move toward that peak…
On the demise anniversary of Lady Zainab (pbuh)
"Zainab bint Ali (as): The woman who saved Islam" by Marwa Osman
Righteous people should not at all be affected by the harsh circumstances they undergo, that is exactly what Hadrat Zeinab (as) stressed in her speeches.
Mutual Rights Between Humans and God from the Perspective of Imam al-Hasan (a.s.)
The concept of human rights over God does not imply that humans have an inherent right that obligates God to fulfill it. Rather, these rights refer to the divine promises and blessings that God…
"The Struggle For Existence And The Survival Of Fittest" by Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i
The jihad and fighting ordained by Allah develop the earth and protects it from chaos, disorder and mischief, because it is through this fighting that the collective rights of the oppressed and…
"A Talk About The Speech Of Allah" by Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i
The subject of "Speech of God" was among the very first points of contention in the Muslim world; and that is why theology was named ‘ilm ul-kalam in Islam. The question which split the Muslim…
"Jesus as Kalimat Allah, The Word of God" by Muhammad Legenhausen
If we are to understand the gospel of Jesus from the perspective opened by the Qur’an, there are several principles that can be used.
"The Infallibility of the Prophets in the Qur'an" by Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi
The Shí'as Muslims believe that all the Prophets were ma'sum, sinless and infallible; they could commit no sin— neither a major sin nor a minor sin; neither intentionally nor inadvertently; and…
On the auspicious birth anniversary of Lady Fatima Zahra (pbuh)
The Prophet’s (pbuh) behavior shows us Lady Fatimah Zahra’s (pbuh) status
Lady Fatimah (pbuh) was a girl whose hand the Prophet used to kiss and for whom the Prophet would stand up when she entered.
"The Islamic System of Judiciary in the Qur'an" by Abdullah Jawadi Amuli
A deep study of the evidence for the necessity of judiciary shows that the human intellect is insufficient for it and is incapable of determining the criterion for judiciary and defining its…
"The Islamic Approach to Pious Parenting" by Saleem Bhimji
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his family, has said, “Whoever has or is around children should play with them as a child.”
"Differences between Islam and Iman" by Ya’sub al-Din Rastgar Juebari
“Iman” covers both the internal and external submission to all the commandments of Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him) through the heart, tongue and actions that a person performs he shows…
"The Humanities and the Purpose of Human Creation" by Jawad Habib
To understand the purpose of human creation, it is essential to integrate philosophy, religion, psychology, and social sciences. Each discipline provides a unique perspective on the creation,…
"Qur’anic Themes in Minutes" by Muhsin Qara'ati
Consider God’s knowledge and power. If we know that all glories, strengths, and provisions are in His hands, we will never go toward other than Him to gain honor, strength, and provision.
"A Study of Sunni and Shii Traditions Concerning Tahrif, Part 3" by Rasul Ja'fariyan
Some explicit statements found in the works of major Shia scholars prove their faith in the Qur'an's remaining safe from every form of alteration and deletion. These statements are a conclusive…
"A Study of Sunni and Shii Traditions Concerning Tahrif, Part 2" by Rasul Ja'fariyan
Throughout the course of history, the Muslims' stand concerning the Qur'an is characterized by the absence of doubt, regarding any of the verses and their belief that it is in totally a revelation…
"A Study of Sunni and Shii Traditions Concerning Tahrif, Part 1" by Rasul Ja'fariyan
In the light of the reports, it can be stated with assurance that the Qur'an was collected in its entirety during the Prophet's lifetime and the 'collection' done by Abi Bakr and others was in…
"Cultural Relations Between Christianity and Shia Islam" written by Sayyid Mustafa Muhaqqiq Damad
The image of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (S) bin `Abdullah in Muslims' view and the Christian view of the personality of Christ (`a) may not be compared reasonably, since the concept of prophethood…