۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ |۲۰ محرم ۱۴۴۶ | Jul 27, 2024
News ID: 366837
28 November 2023 - 14:34

The Chancellor of Jamiat Al-Zahra (PBUH) University had a meeting with the cultural advisor of India, during which she announced the readiness of this scientific institution for promoting cultural interactions, teaching Persian language and preaching activities in the field of women and family with scientific and cultural centers of India.

Hawzah News Agency- Balram Shukla, India's cultural adviser in Iran paid a visit to various departments of Jamiat al-Zahra University and met with the chancellor and officials of this scientific educational institution on Monday, November 27.

In this meeting, Chancellor of the University Mrs. Burqaei introduced the capabilities of Jamiat Al-Zahra in providing scientific and educational services to women in Iran and around the world and stated, "Jamiat Al-Zahra University has graduates from different countries of the world, some of whom return to their countries to engage in scientific, cultural and propaganda activities in order to have a significant contribution to the cultural development of women.”

The Chancellor of Jamiat Al-Zahra University, referred to the first graduate of the international department of this scientific institution who was a lady from India, who is now the director of one of the religious schools in India; She is engaged in the religious education of women in that region.

At the end, Mrs. Burqaei announced the readiness of Jamiat Al-Zahra University (PBUH) for promoting cultural communication and interaction, Persian language teaching and missionary activities in the field of women and family with scientific and cultural centers of India.


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