Hawzah News Agency- Seyyed Mohsen Hashemi, teacher and researcher of Tazieh performance, said in an interview with Hawzah News correspondent,” Ta’zieh, as an Iranian passion play, besides being able to have many functions, is expected to attract audiences outside the borders as well. I saw this firsthand in the performances I gave to non-Muslims in Europe. When we performed Ta’zieh for some Africans, they were also amazed by this art.”
He went on to say that in order for Ta'zieh to have an international impact, cultural advisors and embassies should play a role in this regard, in order to familiarize people with different aspects of Ta'zieh by providing the conditions for performing it abroad. This will not only spread Iranian art in the world, but also promote Ashura culture.
Stating that Ta'zieh has always been a popular art, Hashemi noted,” The secret of the longevity of Ta'zieh performance lies in one thing, and that is being popular. In the history of Iran, Ta'zieh has never had a governmental form, of course, at times Ta’zieh was supported by governments, but they have never been its founders; this does not mean that the government should abandon this valuable art, rather it should keep its support for Ta'zieh.”
Ta'zieh means comfort, condolence, or expression of grief. It comes from the roots aza which mean mourning. It commonly refers to passion plays about the Battle of Karbala and its prior and subsequent events.
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