۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ |۲۰ محرم ۱۴۴۶ | Jul 27, 2024
علامه عسکری

Some of the controversial issues have divided the Muslims. These issues have been misused by the enemies of Islam to divide the Muslims and to weaken them. Therefore in order to unite the Muslims and to defend the boundaries of Islam it is necessary to clear the misunderstandings regarding these differences.

Hawzah News Agency - At a time when our religion is being attacked from all sides, sectarian division appearing so often, here comes a booklet that underlines the fact that in many instances both Sunni and Shi'a sources agree regarding the history and events that took place at the time of our Prophet (S).
One of such examples is the revelation of the Verse of Purification of which this booklet offers extensive information.

To read this booklet, click on Download.


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