Monday 31 December 2018 - 20:20
Qatar's Ministry of Awqaf  trains Imams of mosques

The Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs of Qatar represented by the Religious Calls and Guidance Department has concluded a four month programme for training Imams and Muazins of mosques.

Hawzah News Agency (Doha, Qatar) - Imam leads prayer and Muazin calls for prayer. "Under the programme the participants received lessons on Islamic jurisprudence, doctrine and Tajweed," said Malullah Jaber, Director the Religious Calls and Guidance Department.

He said the programme was organised under '2019-training plan' to educate the participating Imams and Muazins specific information about Sharia'h because they played key role in creating values and morality in the community.



''The Department developed a special course and invited experts to deliver the lectures on various subjects related to Islamic law because the trainees played important role in the fields of learning and reciting holy Quran,'' said Jaber. He said that Imams and Muazins should have enough knowledge about Sharia'h like Islamic jurisprudence and Quran science so they could reply properly to the questions of people.

''2019-training plan includes 30 speicilised prgrammes. Five programmes are dedicated to Qatari preachers and orators under which over 500 clerics from all over the country will receive the training about Sharia'h including calling, Islamic science, jurisprudence, doctrine, Tajweed, prophetic traditions,'' said Malallah 

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