Saturday 22 March 2025 - 23:19
Shia in India Mourn Imam Ali’s Martyrdom Anniversary

Shia Muslims across India, from the Himalayas to the coast, commemorated the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali (AS), the first Imam of Shiite Islam.

Hawzah News Agency - India is home to one of the world’s largest Shiite populations, and these commemorations highlight the deep-rooted religious and cultural ties that Shiite communities maintain despite geographic and sectarian diversity.

Mourning ceremonies took place from the northern mountainous regions of Kargil and Sankoo to the southern cities of Bangalore and Mumbai. Other key cities, including Amroha, Hyderabad, Lucknow, Delhi, and Meerut, also witnessed large gatherings of mourners clad in black, engaging in traditional rituals of lamentation.

Source: Iran Press


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