۳ آبان ۱۴۰۳ |۲۰ ربیع‌الثانی ۱۴۴۶ | Oct 24, 2024

Emphasizing Ghadir is the secret of the perfection of Isyslam, Ayatollah Seyyed Mujtaba Hosseini stated, “Those who believe in other Eids but do not believe in this Eid have accepted an imperfect religion, and by belief in this Eid, one believes in all other Eids."

Hawzah News Agency- The Supreme leader’s representative in Iraq Ayatollah Seyyed Mujtaba Hosseini, in an interview with Hawzah News Agency, while congratulating the auspicious occasion of Eid al-Ghadir, said, “This day is of such great importance that God says in verse 3 of Surah 'Ma'idah, '...الْیَوْمَ أَکْمَلْتُ لَکُمْ دِینَکُمْ وَ أَتْمَمْتُ عَلَیْکُمْ نِعْمَتِی Today, I have perfected your religion for you and completed My blessing upon you..."

Citing verse 67 of Surah "Ma'idah", he stated, " يَا أَيُّهَا الرَّسُولُ بَلِّغْ مَا أُنْزِلَ إِلَيْكَ مِنْ رَبِّكَ ۖ وَإِنْ لَمْ تَفْعَلْ فَمَا بَلَّغْتَ رِسَالَتَهُ ۚO Apostle! Communicate that which has been sent down to you from your Lord, and if you do not, you will not have communicated His message; therefore, the perfection of the religion and completion of the mission of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was dependent on the introduction of Ali (PBUH) to be both the elucidator of the religious decrees and the executor. The issue of the Wilayah of the Commander of the Faithful is the Wilayah of the rest of the Imams (PBUT), and by these same verses, we follow the Imam al-Mahdi (PBUH) and follow the deputies of the Imam al-Mahdi, who are the great sources of emulation (Marja') and whom we call the Wilayah Faqih.”

Regarding the reason why this Eid holds more importance than other Eids, a member of the assembly of experts clarified, “Those who believe in other Eids but do not believe in this Eid have accepted an imperfect religion, and by belief in this Eid, one believes in all other Eids."

The representative of the Supreme Leader in Iraq went on to add, “There is a narration that says ‘on the day of Arafa, God first looks at Karbala then Arafat, the reason of which is that one who goes to Karbala definitely believes in Arafat while one may go to Arafat but does not believe in Karbala, yet the perfection of the religion depends on infallible Imams (PBUT), which all Muslims of the world accepts. In fact, Ghadir is the secret of the perfection of Islam.”

In response to the question of how Ghadir can be used as a means of unity between Shi'a and Sunni Muslims and how to prevent disagreements among Muslims on this issue, Ayatollah Hosseini stated, “Ghadir is important for everyone, and no one denies the issue of Ghadir. However, some say that the meaning of ‘مَنْ کُنْتُ مَوْلَاهُ فَهَذَا عَلِیٌّ مَوْلَاهُ for whoever I am his leader’ Ali is his leader’ is that whoever loves me loves Ali, so we have no dispute with each other. Arguing and disputing over religious matters, in such a way that each person tries to prove their point, is not correct and has negative consequences; We are all friends and brothers.”

“If there is a scholarly discussion, it should be conducted with the utmost courtesy and morality and without the intention of defeating the other side, meaning a friendly dialogue with the intention of advising and well-wishing, just as humans present a gift with willingness, desire, and respect; If our opinion is true and we believe ourselves to be right, we should present it, and so should they,” he continued.

Supreme Leader's representative of the Assembly of Experts in Khorasan Razavi said, “If there is a disagreement, it should be discussed in scholarly sessions and the general public should not argue about it, which will lead to regret if so. We should strive for unity, not for division.”

Regarding how the young generation can engage in contemplative reflection and connect with the thoughts of Imam Ali (PBUH), he stated, “We are remiss in our knowledge, both of Allah and of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Imams (PBUT). Anyone who refers to Islamic history cannot deny the greatness and eminence of Imam Ali (PBUH), who was raised in the household of the Prophet (PBUH) and was his son-in-law. Following the way and conduct of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Commander of the Faithful (PBUH) is not possible unless we first acquire knowledge about them. Therefore, as a prerequisite for all lessons, we must have an overview of Islam in the field of history, belief, and ethics."


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