Hawzah News Agency- the text of Grand Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani's message following the recent crimes of the US and the Zionist regime in Yemen, Syria and the Gaza Strip is as follows:
In the name of God
Once again, the brutal and illegitimate Zionist regime has committed a terrible crime in massacring women, men and children in the Gaza Strip.
This painful crime is being committed while the criminal US president had guaranteed peace.
Today, the child-killing Zionist regime has once again shown that it does not adhere to any commitments and easily breaks its promises, and this barbaric act is paving the way for the complete destruction of the oppressed Palestinian nation. This lack of commitment is a lesson for everyone to know that the Global Arrogance will not think about anything except their own interests and will not refrain from any crime in this way.
As we witness, by training terrorists and rebranding them, they are also killing the oppressed people of Syria and attacking the people of Yemen without any condemnation from the United States and its allies. Meanwhile, international institutions and false claimants of human rights have adopted a deadly silence and do not react to these genocides in Yemen, Syria and Gaza.
While condemning this painful crime, we call on all free nations not to withhold any material and moral assistance and to declare their support for these oppressed nations.
Hossein Nouri Hamedani
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