۳ آبان ۱۴۰۳ |۲۰ ربیع‌الثانی ۱۴۴۶ | Oct 24, 2024

The researcher of Women’s Seminary stated, “Eid al-Ghadir, as the great divine Eid, is the manifestation of God Almighty's unparalleled blessing of Wilaya (guardianship) in the direction of guiding the Ummah after prophethood.”

Hawzah News Agency- In an interview with Hawzah News Agency, Narges Shokrizadeh referred to the importance and greatness of Eid al-Ghadir compared to all Islamic Eids and said: "Holding special celebrations for Eid al-Ghadir is an important duty to honor the days of Allah and promote the culture of the Quran and the Ahlul Bayt (PBUT). Thanks to God, our people are pioneers, interested, and serious in this matter, yet we should not neglect the cultural and explanatory works in this regard."

Pointing out that deepening belief in Wilayah and commitment to it in society is the important message of Eid al-Ghadir, added, “Verse 67 of Surah Ma'idah has become known as the verse of proclamation and indicates the importance of the Ghadir event, as God Almighty addresses the Prophet (PBUH) in this verse and says that if you do not do this mission, you have not completed your mission.”

"An important point is that the phrase "يَا أَیُّهَا الرَّسُول" is used only twice in the Quran, and it seems that in both cases, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was facing complex and dangerous conspiracies from the hypocrites (Munafiqs) and enemies of Islam. According to the interpreters of the Quran, it seems that God Almighty wants to strengthen the will and sense of responsibility of the Prophet (PBUH) by this address, meaning that you are the one who we have given the prophetic mission. Therefore you must be steadfast in expressing the decree and carrying out the mission. Interestingly, in both cases, the verse ends with a severe condemnation of the disbelievers and hypocrites,” she clarified.

The researcher of Islamic seminary further noted, “When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) gathered the people in that specific area (the pond of Ghadir) after the revelation of this verse, regardless of how many were in the presence of Messenger of God (PBUH) on that day- which is a matter of debate - what is important is that there is no disagreement about the fact of the Ghadir event itself. Therefore, one of the points that not only Shi'as but all Muslims should emphasize is the occurrence of this matter.”

“In this detailed sermon, the Holy Prophet (PBUH), after praising and glorifying God Almighty and confessing His oneness, says, ‘God has revealed to me to convey the revelation; otherwise, you have not completed your mission. Then he addresses the crowd, emphasizing that I have not neglected you in what has been revealed and ordered to me.” She continued.

She stated that Eid al-Ghadir is the manifestation of God Almighty's unparalleled blessing, namely the blessing of Wilayah in the direction of guiding the Ummah after prophethood, adding, “The Holy Prophet (PBUH) emphasizes in the Ghadir sermon that Ali (PBUH) is the best of people after me among all women and men, and God has informed me through Gabriel that whoever fights and quarrels with Ali (PBUH) and does not accept his guardianship, will be cursed by God until the Day of Judgment. All of this shows the position of the guardianship of the Commander of the Faithful (PBUH), and at the end of his speech, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) raises Ali's (PBUH) hand and tells everyone that my successor is Ali (PBUH).”

Shokrizadeh went on to explain, “Another key point in this sermon is that the Prophet (PBUH) emphasizes that ‘by God, the one who interprets (Tafsir) the inner meaning of the verses of the Quran is the one whose hand I raised.’ Then he announces the important phrase ‘ من کنت مولاه فهذا علی مولاه For whoever I am his leader, Ali is his leader’ and says that the guardianship and wilayah about which I speak is from God and I do not say anything from myself.”


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