the holy prophet (27)
On the Occasion of Feast of Mab'ath:
ReligiousMab'ath; the Rise of God’s mercy
The Holy Prophet is a good exemplar. This means he was a role model whom we must follow. He is on a peak and we need to move from this base toward that peak. Humankind must move toward that peak…
Hadith of the day
ReligiousWeeping Due To Fear of Allah
Hawzah News Agency- the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) says:
Hadith of the day
ReligiousBelievers are fun and playful as opposed to hypocrites
Hawzah News Agency- the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) says:
Hadith of the day
ReligiousLove for Imam Ali in the Saying of the Holy Prophet
Hawzah News Agency- the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) says:
Hadith of the day
ReligiousIslam the Religion of Allah
Hawzah News Agency- the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) says:
PhotoImam Hussain Shrine covered in black on eve of Prophet's Demise Anniv.
On the eve of the demise anniversary of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the servants of Imam Hussain's shrine installed mourning flags.
Hadith of the day
Hawzah News Agency- the Prophet Mohamad (peace be upon him) says:
Hadith of the day
ReligiousInferno of Husayni Love
Hawzah News Agency- The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) says:
NEWSEid al-Ghadir Manifestation of God's Unparalleled Blessing of Wilayah
The researcher of Women’s Seminary stated, “Eid al-Ghadir, as the great divine Eid, is the manifestation of God Almighty's unparalleled blessing of Wilaya (guardianship) in the direction of guiding…
Hadith of the day
Hawzah News Agency- The prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) says: