Saturday 15 June 2024 - 11:30
Necessity of Using People’s Capacities for Magnificent Ghadir Celebration

Hujjat al-Islam Esmaeil Dastafkan the Secretary of Ghadir International Foundation in Isfahan said, “The Ghadir Foundation is a people’s foundation; therefore, we emphasize the use of people's capacities, and cultural institutions are expected to make every effort in this regard.”

Hawzah News Agency- Addressing a gathering of Executive Agency Directors in Mobarakeh County, Hujjat al-Islam Esmaeil Dastafkan presented a report on the activities of the International Ghadir Foundation, highlighting the significance of Eid al-Ghadir Khom and the need to utilize all resources to commemorate this auspicious occasion, and stated, “The tradition of honoring Eid al-Ghadir is deeply ingrained in every neighborhood and mosque, so people observe spontaneously this ten-day period, from Eid al-Adha to Eid al-Ghadir.”

The Secretary of Ghadir International Foundation in Isfahan noted that Ghadir Foundation is an international Foundation, adding, “At the suggestion of Ayatollah Khazali and in consultation with the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, the Ghadir Foundation has been established in Isfahan by the decree of Ayatollah Tabatabaei Nejad."

“The foundation has been launched and legally registered for several years and has representatives in other countries such as the Netherlands, Pakistan, Belgium, India, and Syria,” he continued.

Hujjat al-Islam Esmaeil Dastafkan went on, “The statistics we received last year regarding popular spontaneous movements and activities were very impressive, based on which as just one example, around one million meals were distributed by people.”

"The prophet Mohammad (PBUH0) received the reward of his 23-year efforts and hard work in the Farewell Pilgrimage; therefore, we should value Eid al-Ghadir. Of course, we have many other Eids, but none of them are like Eid al-Ghadir, which is the greatest divine Eid, and it is narrated from Imam Reza (PBUH) who said that those in heaven appreciate the value of Ghadir better,” he further noted.

Emphasizing the importance of sending reports of popular activities to the foundation and the importance of programs that will be held in Isfahan during Eid al-Ghadir, he stated, “The Ghadir Foundation is a people’s foundation; therefore, we emphasize the use of people's capacities, and cultural institutions are expected to make every effort in this regard.

“This year, above all, we emphasize serving food on Eid al-Ghadir Khom; it is also recommended to recite Zyarat Ghadiriya and deliver sermons whose topics are related to the wilayat of Imam Ali (PBUH) during these ten nights."

The Secretory of Ghadir International Foundation further suggested that executive and cultural officials should consider implementing various programs during Eid al-Ghadir, including reciting the Ghadir khom sermon, providing food for the needy, organizing special celebrations for women, releasing prisoners, providing dowries and food baskets, distributing free bread, setting up Salavati stations, and health stations.


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