Friday 25 September 2020 - 04:21
Election 2020: Jacinda Ardern in Christchurch to honour Al Noor Mosque victims

"In memory of the 51 Shuhadah [martyrs] who lost their lives."

Hawzah News Agency - (Christchurch  - New Zealand) - "In memory of the 51 Shuhadah [martyrs] who lost their lives."

So said the words inscribed on a memorial plaque that Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern unveiled this morning at Al Noor Mosque in Christchurch.

The Labor leader is campaigning in Christchurch today, where she will do a walkabout as well as visit two venues in her capacity as Prime Minister, including the mosque and Rāwhiti Domain Canopy in New Brighton.

The canopy is one of nine projects that has been approved for $7 million from the Government's $3 billion shovel-ready infrastructure fund.

Speaking to reporters in Christchurch, Ardern said National's agricultural policy would "take New Zealand back decades".

"It is hugely disappointing to see that change in position from them," she said when it came to National's climate change position.

She said it also hurts New Zealand's brand and would cause more degradation of New Zealand's waterways.

She said it was "very disappointing" to see National want to unravel all the work the Government has done on cleaning up New Zealand's waterways.

She said National was coming in "late to the party" when it comes to the changes they are proposing.

She called the policy "backward looking".


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