Hawzah News Agency – In book al-Irshad, the moral characteristic of Imam al-Kazim peace be upon him, is reported as follows:
(الكاظم عليه السلام) كانَ يَدعو كَثيراً فَيَقولُ: اللَّهمَّ إنّي أسألُكَ الرّاحَةَ عِندَ المَوتِ وَالعَفوَ عِندَ الحِسابِ. وَيُكَرِّرُ ذلك. وَكانَ مِن دُعائِهِ عليه السلام: عَظُمَ الذَّنبُ مِن عَبدِكَ فَليَحسُنِ العَفوُ مِن عِندِكَ . وَكانَ يَبكي مِن خَشيَةِ اللَّهِ حَتَّى تَخضَلُّ لِحيَتُهُ بِالدُّموعِ . وَكانَ أوصَلُ النّاسِ لأهلِهِ ورَحِمِهِ وَكانَ يَفتَقِدُ فُقَراءَ المَدينَةِ في اللَّيلِ فَيَحمِلُ إليهِم (الزَّنبيلَ) فيهِ العَينُ وَالوَرَقُ وَالأدِقَّةُ وَالتُّمورِ فَيوصِلُ إلَيهِم ذلك وَلا يَعلَمونَ مِن أيِّ جَهَةٍ هُوَ.
(Al-Kazim) used to supplicate a lot and say, 'O Allah! Indeed, I ask You for ease at the time of death and pardon at the time of the account', and he used to repeat this several times. And among his supplications were, 'The sin of Your slave is great, so graceful will be the pardon from You.' He used to weep out of fear of Allah until his beard was soaked with tears. He used to be most diligent with maintaining relations with his family and his kin. He used to visit the poor of Madina at night, for whom he would take a basket of gold, silver, flour and dates. He would deliver all this to them whilst they did not even know where he came from.'
Source: al-Irshad, p. 296
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