Hawzah News Agency - According to Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul, Hojjat-ul-Islam Wal-Muslimeen Sayed Issa Hosseini Mazari, during a speech at a Quran recitation ceremony in western Kabul, discussed some of the factors of happiness of humans and societies. While stating that acting on divine commandments is the first factor of human happiness, he said: Our primary and main duty is to stand out as true Muslims and to enhance and strengthen our beliefs through studies and research.
He considered performing acts of worship the second characteristic of a Muslim and said: Among acts of worship, prayer is the pillar of religion. Performing prayers correctly leads to a person's ability to perform other obligatory duties. On the other hand, some acts of worship should be obvious, and it is not the case that our worship must remain hidden. Accordingly, even the night prayer, which is recommended to be performed in a quiet and peaceful place, can be performed in the presence of others if it is for encouragement, and this is not hypocrisy.
The head of the Tebyan Center, pointing out that prayer has not taken root as an influential culture in society, said: In many gatherings and gatherings, it is observed that eating is done before congregational prayers. This is while good economy, warding off disasters and calamities, personal respect, and overall happiness in this world and the hereafter depend on performing prayers on time.
Hosseini Mazari, criticizing the inattention to Friday and congregational prayers and the seclusion of mosques, said: Young people, teenagers, middle-aged and elderly people should pay attention to the mosque and return to it. In addition to holding prayers, the mosque should be considered as a major cultural, intellectual, political and economic center.
He considered the main reason for the lack of prosperity of mosques to be the weakness of the people themselves and said: The cleric who is responsible for the mosque loses enthusiasm and motivation due to the lack of attention and support of the people. When the people do not support the cleric of the mosque economically, he is forced to do economic work before and after attending the mosque. While the cleric's duty is to make the mosque the center of his work and services, but on the condition that the people are also on the scene and support him.
Stating that the clergy does not enjoy special respect in the current society, the head of the Tebyan Center said: In the eyes of some, the cleric must definitely give speeches and pray in the mosque for free, the reciter must recite for free, and there is no problem with the food of religious gatherings and low-quality charity, but if they invite someone else for music and vulgarity, they pay him heavy money and incur huge expenses.
Hosseini Mazari pointed out: This is while we should give up our most dear things in the path of worship and movement in the path of God and religion, but we are not like that, so God leaves us to ourselves. If God leaves us to ourselves, our lives will be full of problems and dilemmas and filled with various evil deeds and sins.
Stating that along with beliefs and worship, ethics are considered as another indicator and pillar of religion, the head of the Tabyan Center said: Paying attention to ethics is a prerequisite for happiness, honor and greatness in this world and happiness in the hereafter. There should be no lies, backbiting, slander, gossip, bickering and other moral vices in our lives.
Hosseini Mazari specifically pointed out the abundance of the vice of lying among Afghan society and said: Lying is the key to all sins, and being caught up in it will be the beginning of being caught up in other sins. Therefore, if a person seeks honor in this world and happiness in the hereafter, there should be no lies, backbiting, slander, gossip, and other moral vices in his life.
The head of the Tebyan Center noted: The most important factors for human happiness are that he is active and serious in the field of religion, in the discussion of beliefs, worship, and morality, and in addition to these, he also has political intelligence and analysis in the field of politics.
Hosseini Mazari emphasized the importance of political analysis in Afghan society and said: Without political analysis, belief, worship, and morality cannot be the solution to problems alone. Referring to the country's historical and contemporary problems, he considered weakness in political consciousness to be one of the main factors behind internal failures and missed opportunities in the past.
Referring to the history of early Islam and the performance of the Khawarij during the time of Imam Ali (AS), the head of the Tebyan Center considered weakness in political analysis to be the cause of the great failures of Muslims and said: Despite their strong belief, nightly prayers, and calloused foreheads, the Khawarij were deceived and acted against Imam Ali (AS) due to their lack of proper political analysis.
Criticizing the welcome some people and figures of the republican era received from the presence of foreign forces in Afghanistan, he emphasized that the weakness of political analysis in the past two decades caused people to be deceived by the slogans of the United States and its allies.
Hosseini Mazari noted: During the twenty years of occupation, the people of Afghanistan, due to their lack of proper political analysis, thought that the presence of the United States would lead to the freedom and progress of the country.
The head of the Tebyan Center criticized the performance of some figures and elites, introducing them as paving the way for foreign interests, and said: From the Russians and the British to the Americans, all of them used internal elements to facilitate their influence. Religious and academic figures who lacked political analysis not only shied away from responsibility, but also betrayed the national interests of the country.
Referring to the weakness of unity among the people of Afghanistan, especially among the Shiites, he said: From the era of jihad to the republic, internal disputes prevented the optimal use of opportunities. Today, the lack of cohesion and strong political analysis has weakened our society.
Referring to economic problems and weak infrastructure, Hosseini Mazari criticized the poor and treacherous performance of the leaders and seemingly prominent figures over the past two decades, and said: From presidents and ministers to lawyers, none of them took effective action to improve the situation of the people. Today's economic problems are a direct result of past neglect and poor management.
He emphasized the importance of improving political awareness as a solution to existing problems, saying: "As Muslims, we must strive to increase our political awareness and analysis." Also, strengthening the family foundation and raising righteous children are key factors in achieving honor in this world and happiness in the hereafter.
The head of the Tebyan Center called on people to play an active role in various arenas with a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country, saying: "Afghanistan today is facing severe intellectual and cultural attacks. If people do not act with political analysis and social awareness, problems and crises will continue."
Continuing to mention the factors of happiness for humans and societies, Hosseini Mazari emphasized the importance of choosing the right spouse, raising righteous children, and paying attention to social responsibilities. Referring to the vital role of the family, he considered forming a healthy family and choosing a right spouse to be one of the most important factors of happiness, and said: A spouse in life not only plays a role in improving the quality of an individual's life, but can also improve the indicators of a better life.
Emphasizing the importance of raising children, he noted: A righteous child can benefit their parents in the afterlife even after their death, through his good deeds. If parents pay attention to raising their children properly, they will benefit from its results not only in this world, but also in the afterlife.
The head of the Tebyan Center also pointed out the importance of having social pain and feeling responsible for the problems of society, and said: Social pain must begin with the family and spread to the level of society, province, country, and even the Islamic Ummah.
It is worth mentioning that the Quran recitation ceremony was held in the west of Kabul to rejoice the soul of Hojjat-ul-Islam Wal-Muslimin Sayed Khalil Ahmad Hosseini by the Karbala gentlemen Sayed Shah Agha, Sayed Abdul Hamid, and Sayedd Kazim Taheri. Afterwards, and before lunch, the noon and afternoon prayers were offered under the leadership of Hojjat-ul-Islam Wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hosseini Mazari.

During a speech at the Quran recitation ceremony in western Kabul, the head of the Tebyan Center examined the factors of happiness of humans and societies. Emphasizing the importance of strong beliefs, acting on divine commandments, ethics, forming a good family and spouse, raising righteous children and social responsibility, he considered weakness in political analysis to be one of the main factors of Afghanistan's problems and called for more attention to these issues.
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