Hawzah News Agency- the closing ceremony of the third Best Response Festival has been held by participation of scholars and activists in the field of responding to doubts, thanks to the efforts of the Center for Studies and Responding to Religious Doubts, in the conference hall of the Masoumiyya Seminary in Qom.
Hujjat al-Islam Pouramini's speech was the opening part of the ceremony, which announced that more than 5,000 works had been sent to the secretariat festival in the past three years.
Hujjat al-Islam Razavi Mehr then read the message of Grand Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani to the ceremony.
Ayatollah Shabzendehdar, Secretary of the Supreme Council of Seminaries, was another keynote speaker of the event.
In another part of the event, the officials of the festival paid tribute to Grand Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani and announced the winners of the festival.
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