۱۵ مهر ۱۴۰۳ |۲ ربیع‌الثانی ۱۴۴۶ | Oct 6, 2024
Photos/Installés des postes d'accueil les pèlerins d'Arbaeen à Basra

During Arbaeen Walk, Hawzah News tries to be the narrator of the service of Imam Hussain’s servants and pilgrims, to depict parts of this journey of love for Sayyed al-Shohada for the honorable audience in the media.

Hawzah News Agency- these days, during the Arbaeen pilgrimage, there are exemplary scenes that show the amount of devotion to Seyyed al-Shohada Hazrat Aba Abdallah al-Hussein (PBUH) in the world.

On this route, we met a Brazilian lady who, after converting to Islam and making the Arbaeen pilgrimage, spoke about the beauty of this procession that she did not find another similar example anywhere in the world.

Also, the other pilgrim was Muhammad Zakaria, a Muslim missionary from Nigeria, who has set foot on this path with love and devotion to Imam Hussain (PBUH). Hujjat al-Islam Rafatizadeh, one of the missionaries of the Cultural and Missionary Vice-Chancellor of the Khorasan Seminary, accompanied him on this route and when asked about the reason for his presence on Arbaeen Walk, he replied that it is the fourth time that he has participated in Arbaeen Walk together with his family and children, we have walked this path.

These days, Hawzah News tries to be the narrator of the service of Imam Hussain’s servants and pilgrims, to depict parts of this journey of love for Sayyed al-Shohada for the honorable audience in the media.


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