۱۸ شهریور ۱۴۰۳ |۴ ربیع‌الاول ۱۴۴۶ | Sep 8, 2024
News ID: 367408
9 May 2024 - 11:27

A teenage boy stands amidst the debris of destroyed homes, his words stirring tears in the eyes of onlookers. Despite the worn-out state of his clothes and the desolation surrounding him, stark symbols of oppression, his resolute speech about victory exudes unwavering determination.

Hawzah News Agency- Hasan Sadraei Aref, senior journalist specialized in the Islamic and inter-faith issues

A teenage boy stands amidst the debris of destroyed homes, his words stirring tears in the eyes of onlookers. Despite the worn-out state of his clothes and the desolation surrounding him, stark symbols of oppression, his resolute speech about victory exudes unwavering determination.

Despite enduring injustice, he boldly declares his resistance, proclaiming defiantly: “Victory is near, God willing. "One cannot help but shed tears of sadness for the height of his oppression and the injustice he has endured, as well as tears of happiness for his steadfastness!

Before that, of course, he recites passages from a holy book for us. He reads the Quran and reminds those who understand its teachings of God's promises to the patient. His recitation of the verses is so beautiful and from memory, indicating that he possesses the sweet gift of the last divine prophet’s miracle and has grown up with the discourse of the Quran.

He's a Palestinian teenager from the Gaza Strip, standing next to rubble, reciting the Quran in this way for us. Following him, several other teenagers from various parts of Gaza also recite the Quran similarly. This video is broadcasted during a gathering of Quran enthusiasts at the Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah in Tehran, among hundreds of Quran reciters, memorizers, and activists in Iran.

This annual meeting takes place on the first day of the sacred month of Ramadan, graced by the presence of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khamenei. It stands out as a remarkable assembly of Quranic scholars. Here, a diverse group of reciters from all over the country, spanning from children and teenagers to seasoned masters, recite the Quran. Leading the way in the season of Quranic renewal, they uplift hearts to the divine and spiritual, creating a delightful, faith-inspiring, and enjoyable experience.

In these gatherings, it's common to have groups performing Quranic recitations and tawashih, enhancing the program. There's a unique Quranic ambiance in this spiritual gathering that you can't fully appreciate or savor until you attend and witness it firsthand.

At this year's event, alongside the scheduled programs, two video broadcasts have garnered significant interest. One features the recitation of Quranic verses by revered reciters who participated in this gathering or other Quranic events in the past, some of whom have since become martyred. The other broadcast showcases several Palestinian children and teenagers courageously reciting the Quran, despite living amidst the rubble of their destroyed homes, demonstrating unwavering resolve and promising victory.

Our respected leader, who delivers a brief address following the events of this gathering and before Iftar, touches upon this matter as follows:

We saw some footage of Gaza today. That which was related to our meeting here was their recitation of the Quran. The children who were reciting the Quran were reciting it by heart. They had all memorized the Quran. They were reciting the verses from memory. And this is the way to memorize [the Quran]. I have said this before that memorizing the Quran should begin with the youth. They [the Gazans] are memorizers of the Quran. They have both memorized the Quran and understood the concepts in it due to the blessing of being speakers of the Arabic language. Thus, they have been able to show the world this pinnacle and peak of resistance in Gaza and Palestine, especially in Gaza itself. It is due to the impact of the Quran. This is the patience that the Quran wants. This is the steadfastness that the Quran recommends. This is the reward that the Quran promises to those who are patient. This is what has kept them steadfast.

These images and words vividly echo the crucial notion that “this resilient Ummah,” which safeguards and upholds this beloved Quran in such a manner and defends and perseveres its meanings, is on the verge of victory. As promised by Allah in the Quran, the land will belong to the righteous servants of God, and there is no doubt about it, God willing.

(The above is Hasan Sadraei Aref's personal account of his participation in Imam Khamenei's meeting with a number of the reciters of the Holy Quran. This meeting was held on March 12, 2024.)


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