Hawzah News Agency- The head of the International Affairs Department of Lady Masuma (PBUH) Holy Shrine Kamal Soraya Ardakani stated,” In October, the presence of more than 1,530 international tourists was recorded in the Holy Shrine.”
Stating that these tourists were from 39 different countries, he added,” The 5 countries that had the most number of tourists in October are Spain, America, Italy, Poland and Germany respectively.”
The head of the International Affairs Department of the Holy Shrine continued,” In total, the International Affairs Department of the Holy Shrine hosted about 190 international tourism groups in October this year.”
He stated that many foreign tourists who visit Lady Masuma Holy Shrine in Qom through tourism agencies or individually do not refer to the International Affairs Department of the Holy Shrine, and said,” this statistic only includes the groups who, upon entering the Holy Shrine, are accompanied by a local translator, they go to this office and their information is recorded.”
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