۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ |۲۰ محرم ۱۴۴۶ | Jul 27, 2024
Ayat Araki

Ayatollah Mohsen Araki said,” It is clear to everyone that whenever the enemy reaches complete despair in advancing their evil goals in all fields, they start blind activities such as terrorist attack in Shahcheragh Shrine.

Hawzah News Agency- Ayatollah Mohsen Araki, a member of the Iranian Assembly of Leadership Experts issued a message of condolence on Shiraz Terrorist attack in which the scholar condemned the horrific terrorist crimes in the Holy Shrine of Shahcheragh (PBUH) and expressed his condolences on the martyrdom of a group of compatriots in this incident, the text of which is as follows:

In the name of God

Once again, the criminal hand of global arrogance came out of the sleeve of terrorist mercenaries, and taking advantage of the opportunity provided by the rioters to foreign intelligence services, they insulted the sacred court of Hazrat Ahmed ibn Musa (PBUH) and attacked innocent pilgrims, men, women and children. They hit their vengeful bullets.

It is clear to everyone that whenever the enemy reaches complete despair in advancing their evil goals in all fields, they start blind activities.

The powerful security, military and intelligence forces of the Islamic Republic are expected to expose their authority to the enemy and teach a lesson to the planners, commanders and perpetrators of such heinous crime.

In the end, I pray to the Almighty God for the martyrs of this deplorable incident, and ask patience from God for their survivors, and a great reward, and I also wish a speedy recovery for the injured.

Mohsen Araki


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