Thursday 29 September 2022 - 11:01
Allameh Hassanzadeh a Perfect Role Model

Hujjat al-Islam Ghaemi pointed out,” Allameh Hassanzadeh Amoli’s political stances are a model for every religious community at the height of moral status, and he showed that at the height of Islamic mysticism and ethics, one can also be at the height of politics; for this reason, in the national conference that will be followed up by the national authorities, different aspects of his personality will be discussed.

Hawzah News Agency –Shia scholar Hujjat al-Islam Mohammad Javad Ghaemi, director of the Mazandaran Women Seminary was a keynote speaker at the pre-meeting of Allameh Hassanzadeh Ameli (RA) national conference, which will be held in cooperation with the Mazandaran Women Seminary; during his speech he stated that today we are on the path of civilization. The path that our leader has determined is to reach the new Iranian Islamic civilization.

“In order to move in this direction, social assets must be recognized and the necessary role models should be created based on these characters.” He continued.

He further clarified,” the Global Arrogance seeks to undermine the Islamic revolution and damage the important revolutionary values, which, God willing, will never be achieved. Mysticism and morality have been part of politics.”

Hujjat al-Islam Ghaemi pointed out,” Allameh Hassanzadeh Amoli’s political stances are a model for every religious community at the height of moral status, and he showed that at the height of Islamic mysticism and ethics, one can also be at the height of politics; for this reason, in the national conference that will be followed up by the national authorities, different aspects of his personality will be discussed.

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