Wednesday 14 September 2022 - 15:05
Al-Saud Mercenaries plotting against Pakistan Shia Muslims

Hujjat al-Islam Dumaki stated: Unity among Muslims is the order of the Holy Quran as well as the Prophet of Islam. Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) were the pioneers of establishing unity among Muslims. Unity among Muslims is the need of the hour and It means that everyone should live according to their beliefs by respecting the holy sanctities of other sects and that Muslims should consider each other as brothers.

Hawzah News Agency – Hujjat al- Islam Maqsood Ali Dumaki, the spokesman of the Pakistan Muslim Unity Council, on the sidelines of his trip to Iran, answered questions about religious activities and services and problems of Pakistani Shiites and Arbaeen pilgrims in an interview with the Urdu language section of the Hawzah News Agency, the translation of which is presented to you as follows:

Hawzah: What are the problems of the Shiites in Pakistan and what is the solution?

Hujjat al -Islam Maqsood Dumaki: Shia Muslims in Pakistan have always had a strong and effective identity since the establishment of this country. The great founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the mother of the nation of Pakistan, Fatima Jinnah, were Shia. The founders of Pakistan were Shiites. Therefore, Shiites should live in Pakistan with full self-confidence and dignity. At some point, the adversaries got scared and attacked us, but they faced a heavy defeat. Shia Muslims in Pakistan are fighting for their rights because some mercenaries of America and Al Saud are involved in conspiracy against Shias. Currently, the problems in the way of performing mourning rituals and controversial education programs are important issues in Pakistan; God willing, Shiites will overcome these issues in both fronts.

Hawzah: Arbaeen pilgrims are facing many problems, what measures have been taken to solve the problems of Pakistani pilgrims?

Hujjat al -Islam Maqsood Dumaki: We have asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan to provide complete facilities for Pakistani pilgrims in Iraq and immediately discuss the problems of the pilgrims with the Iraqi government. In addition, we request the Iraqi government to cancel the restrictions on Arbaeen pilgrimage for the lovers of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Hawzah: To what extent have the concerns of the Shiites of Pakistan been investigated in the subject of school curriculum and education?

Hujjat al-Islam Maqsood Dumaki: Shia protest against the school curriculum is according to the constitution and their right, because the constitution of Pakistan gives us the right to educate our children according to their beliefs. The government has no other choice but to solve the curriculum problem.

Hawzah: Explain the recent flood damage. What solutions have been taken to rebuild the damaged areas?

Hujjat al -Islam Maqsood Dumaki: Due to the recent flood, 80% of Pakistan's area has been submerged, water has entered the cities and towns, and millions of houses have collapsed. Regarding aid, in the first stage, people should be given food and rations, then tents should be prepared, medical camps should be set up, and in the next stage, people should be supported in rebuilding their houses.

Hawzah: What is the importance of unity among Muslims in the current situation?

Hujjat al-Islam Dumaki: Unity among Muslims is the order of the Holy Quran as well as the Prophet of Islam. Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) were the pioneers of establishing unity among Muslims. Unity among Muslims is the need of the hour and It means that everyone should live according to their beliefs by respecting the holy sanctities of other sects and that Muslims should consider each other as brothers.

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