Hawzah News Agency- Senior Shia scholar Grand Ayatollah Hussein Vahid Khorasani issued a statement on the occasion of the Arbaeen of Aba Abdallah al-Hussain, which is as follows:
In the name of God
If the pilgrims to the grave of Sayyed al-Shohada (PBUH) truly realize where they are going and whose shrine they are going to visit, they will feel absolutely blessed during this religious journey.
Where they are going and their destination in this journey, according to someone whose word is God's word, is God's throne.
And what is important for them on this path is that they are pilgrims of God.
What kind of commotion is there in that shrine, which is the place where all the prophets and leaders of God's messengers reside? The divine angels descend from the heaven on the earth and they ascend from the earth to the heaven, and that divine force is composed of arch angels, prophets and messengers, and it will be like this until the Day of Resurrection.
Blessed are those who appreciate this opportunity and following this journey, they are cleansed from all sins, so they must take care not to commit sins, and they should never forget God and the Imam al-Asr, peace be upon him.
And they should recite the holy Quran every month and offer it to the Messenger of God as well as the Sahib al-Zaman (PBUH) and present all their recitations to the fourteen infallibles (PBUT) during the year including the Sahib al-Zaman, which will unite them. And whoever is with him is with all the prophets and messengers.
It is appropriate for those who travel from Iran to Karbala on Arbaeen Walk, do so on behalf of the 8th Imam Ali bin Musa al-Reza (PBUH), and those who come from other countries to visit the holy shrine, it’s best if they visit the shrine on behalf of the other infallible Imams (PBUT) during this blessed journey as the representative of those holy characters. The pilgrims are lofty, according to the opinion of Hazrat Sayyed al-Shohada (PBUH) to those deputies is the cause of happiness in this world and the hereafter.
It is hoped that the honorable pilgrims and the service workers will all pray together on the morning of Arbaeen by reciting Du'a al-Faraj for the speeding up of the arrival of Sahib al-Zaman (PBUH) and the salvation of Muslim community from troubles.
Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you
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