۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ |۲۰ محرم ۱۴۴۶ | Jul 27, 2024

Sunni Friday Prayer imams from Iraq call Imam Reza shrine library a model for scientific-cultural centers across the Islamic world in their visit to the northeastern Iranian city of Mashhad.

Hawzah News Agency- “Not only is Imam Reza shrine central library outstanding in the Islamic world, it also goes beyond Muslim communities”, said Sheikh Khalil Chardoughli, Friday Prayer imam of Kirkuk Yahyavi Mosque in his visit to the shrine.
Expressing hope that the cultural facility should continue expansion, the Iraqi imam praised the rare manuscripts in the library, “some of which are not to be found anywhere else”.
Elsewhere, a member of The World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought Sheikh Hassan Basri called the success of the library an achievement of the Islamic Republic of Iran, citing the place as the scientific backbone of the Islamic world.
He reiterated the prominent standing of the central library as a paragon of scientific-cultural excellence throughout Muslim communities and prided himself on promoting the place in different Islamic centers.


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