Hawzah News Agency – Imam al-Hadi peace be upon him says:
المِراءُ يُفسِدُ الصَّداقَةَ القَديمَةَ، ويُحَلِّلُ العُقدَةَ الوَثِيقَةَ، وأقَلُّ ما فيهِ أن تَكونَ فيهِ المُغالَبَةُ، والمُغالَبَةُ اُسُّ أسبابِ القَطيعَة.
‘The quarrel corrupts a long friendship and dissolves strong ties, the least of it is that one tries to overcome the other, and strife is the main cause of a break in friendship.’
Source: Alam al-Din, no. 311
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