Hawzah News Agency - (Cardiff - Wales) - Born to Christian but not especially religious families, Hanan Sandercock and her husband John Smith became Muslims as adults in Wale
They celebrate Eid and not Christmas, pray five times a day, and don't eat pork or drink alcohol. Hanan, 51, has worn a scarf for 23 years since converting aged 28 and raised all her four children in the faith.
Both say they felt a sense of relief and fufilment converting. They describe it as finding a community as well as a faith and finding answers to questions they’d been asking.
While their families supported their choice some of Hanan’s friends drifted away when she became a Muslim in 1995.
Then Donna Sandercock, she arrived in Cardiff in the early 1990s as a young art school graduate looking for work.
“I was in my 20s and I think I was searching. I wanted to know the meaning of life. I went to a Buddhist meeting but that didn’t do anything for me.”
With Cardiff beginning to shake off the grey days of the 1970s and '80s Donna, originally from a small village in Cornwall, was intrigued to be in a city with a historically multicultural population. She got to know and befriend young Muslims her age working and socialising.
“I was interested. Their religion was very important to them. They were solid and had a belief system I didn’t have.
“I’d eat at their houses and have the nicest food. They were really open and welcoming and happy I was interested.”
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