Sunday 15 December 2024 - 18:31

If I do gheebah of a believer is it obligatory for me to tell them about it and ask them to forgive me? Is it true that Allah will not forgive me for doing gheebah of a believer unless that believer forgives me first? What if telling that believer (that I did his gheebah) will make him feel bad and damage my relationship with him, should I still tell him about it? If not, then how can I get forgiveness for that gheebah?

Answer: [In regards to compensating or making amends for backbiting which has been done] If there is no harm [any further aggravation of the situation] and even in the case where seeking forgiveness is considered a way to compensate for the disrepute which may have occurred, as an [obligatory] precaution they should seek forgiveness.


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