۲۱ شهریور ۱۴۰۳ |۷ ربیع‌الاول ۱۴۴۶ | Sep 11, 2024
News ID: 367887
7 August 2024 - 12:40
Ayatollah Bushehri

The head of the supreme council of Qom seminary teachers' society honored the name and memory of Martyr Saremi and other martyr journalists by congratulating National Journalism Day.

Hawzah News Agency- the head of the supreme council of Qom Seminary Teachers' Society Ayatollah Seyyed Hashem Hosseini Bushehri congratulated National Journalism Day in a message. The text of which is as follows:

In the name of God

In today's world, media and cyberspace have an undeniable influence on thoughts and minds. The widespread presence of hostile media management has turned this useful and effective means of communication into a tool for promoting ignorance, hatred and managing the public opinion of nations.

To deal with the toxic waves of distortion and lies, we need to spread hope, and promote reason in the society, and in this, the role of compassionate, tireless, ethical, sharp and demanding journalists is very crucial.

Journalists, in addition to identifying and clarifying the existing shortcomings and defects, can provide the basis for solving problems by compassionately following up on the problems and explaining the system of the country's problems, and provide a powerful means to remove threats and strengthen opportunities, and a factor of interaction and empathy between people and officials.

If a journalist considers hope, Jihad of Explanation and ethical demands with the approach of trust, accuracy and speed as the principles of his professional career, he will be the source of a huge transformation that guides thoughts towards the truth and can actually be used as an example.

These days, we can clearly see the role of free and fair media in reflecting the sufferings, tragedies and sorrows of the people of Gaza. Journalists who, despite the pressure and crimes of the Zionist regime, informed the world to fight against Israel, prove the greatness of the journalist's role in the world.

I congratulate all journalist and media practitioners on Journalism Day, and while wishing success to these dear ones, I honor the name and memory of martyr Saremi and other martyred journalists in Iran.

Seyyed Hashem Hosseini Bushehri

Chairman of the Supreme Council of Qom Seminary Teachers' Society


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