Hawzah News Agency- On the occasion of the month of Muharram and Safar which mark the presence of millions of pilgrims in the Arbaeen Walk from Najaf to Karbala and creating unique scenes on this route, Hawzah News will reflect this scene and the expression of people's feelings about this religious event by launching the campaign “I am going to Arbaeen Walk”.
Hawzah News is set to convey the works and observations of people from the Arbaeen walk in different areas through social networks of this media.
The audience of Hawzah News can send their works in the form of pictures, short clips, documentaries, motion graphics, mobile photos, diaries, literary texts, memories, short stories, and podcasts until the end of the month of Safar.
Those who are interested should send their works to the Hawzah News Agency channel in Eta or Rubika messenger to the address @InfoHawzah so that it will be published in their own name in the Hawzah News and the portals of this media.
To participate in this event, send your personal information and contact number along with the submission of the work, and at the end of the announced deadline, prizes will be awarded to the selected works.
Participation in all aspects of this campaign is free for all the mourners of Arbaeen Hosseini (PBUH) around the world.
In Shia Islam, Arbaeen marks forty days after Ashura, which is the martyrdom anniversary of Husayn ibn Ali, grandson of the prophet Muhammad and the third Shia imam.
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