Hawzah News Agency- At the beginning of this ceremony, Mr. Chirno Mansoor Ken and Sheikh Abdullah Sajo from Senegal recited verses from the Holy Quran and reciting the Ashura Supplication; Later, Syed Elhaiba Haidara from Gambia explained the goals and achievements of the Ashura uprising.
Also, Hossein Asadi, the representative of Al-Mustafa International University in the Senegal region, in a speech highlighted the importance of connecting with the teachings of the Qur'an and Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) and the establishment of mourning ceremonies for Imam Hussain as a civilizational and educational school; HE also presented a report on the actions of the regional representative of Al-Mustafa International University during the past year.
In this ceremony, Mr.Maleki and Ghorbani also mourned the martyrs of Karbala.
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