۱۸ شهریور ۱۴۰۳ |۴ ربیع‌الاول ۱۴۴۶ | Sep 8, 2024
News ID: 367741
15 July 2024 - 04:00
Tragedy of Imam Hussain

Hawzah News Agency- The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) says:

يا فاطمة كلُّ عينٍ باكية يوم القيامة إلاَّ عينٌ بكَت على مُصاب الحُسين (ع) فإنها ضاحِكة مُستبشرة بنعيم الجنه.

O' Fatimah! Every eye shall be weeping on the Day of Judgment except the eye which has shed tears over the tragedy of Husayn (A.S.), for surely, that eye shall be laughing and shall be given the glad tidings of the bounties and comforts of Paradise.

Bihar al‑Anwar, vol. 44 pg. 193


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