Hawzah News Agency – The commander of the faithful, Imam Ali peace be upon him says:
مَن عَشِقَ شيئاً أعشى (أعمى) بَصَرَهُ، وأمرَضَ قَلبَهُ، فهُو يَنظُرُ بعَينٍ غيرِ صَحيحَةٍ، ويَسمَعُ باُذُنٍ غيرِ سَميعَةٍ، قد خَرَقَتِ الشَّهَواتُ عَقلَهُ، وأماتَتِ الدنيا قَلبَهُ.
'He who loves something that makes his eyes blind and his heart sick is looking with false eyes and hearing with impaired hearing. Lusts have pierced his intellect and the world has killed his heart.'
Source: Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon. 109
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