Hawzah News Agency – The commander of the faithful, Imam Ali peace be upon him says:
لو ضَرَبتُ خَيشومَ المُؤمِنِ بسَيفي هذا على أن يُبغِضَني ما أبغَضَني، ولو صَبَبتُ الدُّنيا بِجَمّاتِها علَى المُنافِقِ على أن يُحِبَّني ما أحَبَّني، وذلكَ أنّهُ قُضِيَ فانقَضى على لِسانِ النَّبيِّ الاُمِّيِّ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله، أنّهُ قالَ: يا عليُّ، لا يُبغِضُكَ مُؤمِنٌ، ولا يُحِبُّكَ مُنافِقٌ.
'If I was to strike the nose of a believer with my sword to hate me he would never hate me, and if I was to pour down the whole world onto a hypocrite to love me he would never love me, and this is because of what has been destined, as this was passed on through the tongue of the unschooled Prophet (SAWA), saying, 'Ali, a believer can never hate you and a hypocrite can never love you.'
Source: Nahj al-Balagha, Saying 45
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