Hawzah News Agency –The al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine has enhanced its presence on the map of the United Nations General Assembly - the sustainable development goals. Having achieved most of the seventeen goals and the most important of them, and it has been at the forefront of Iraq's institutions working in all this aspect, and it has been published on the website of the map based on its progress for the third year in a row, and in the light of the latest update statistic.
The director of Center for Indexing and Information Systems of the Department of Information Intellectual and Cultural Affairs of the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine and the supervisor of this file, stated: "In every period, the United Nations launch a group of institutions that have made progress to the goals of sustainable development under the name of: (Global Week on Sustainable Development). And because the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine has made clear and tangible progress in the goals, as it has been included in the map."
He added, "The al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine has included these goals at the heart of its vision and future ambitions, and made them an essential part of its 2030 agendas. The sustainable development goals were included in their development strategies, and a committee was formed to work on achieving these goals, making them known and making them a road map for the work of the departments, in addition to the responsibility for implementing the sustainable development goals and for building and monitoring comprehensive reports on their achievement. In addition to ensure the alignment of these goals with the development priorities of the projects of the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine."
Al-Moussawi stated, "There are many institutions in Iraq that work to achieve the goals, and according to the specialization of each goal. But what distinguished the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine is that it works on all of them, because most of its projects have the potential to apply, especially in the education, agricultural and industrial environment, the special needs, combating poverty, the cultural aspect, eradication of illiteracy, child care, and others.”
It is noteworthy that the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015 and set the date for their achievement by 2030. They represent a roadmap for achieving sustainable development, and lead to a better and sustainable future. The sustainable development goals include four main pillars, namely: environment, social development, economic development, partnerships, and the unique feature of the sustainable development goals is that it is the first agreement committed by 193 member states around the world.

The al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine enhances its presence on the map of the United Nations General Assembly - Sustainable Development Goals.
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