Tuesday 21 September 2021 - 14:13

Hawzah News Agency The commander of the faithful, Imam Ali peace be upon him says:

إنّ التَّقوى‏ أفضَلُ كَنزٍ، وأحرَزُ حِرزٍ، وأعَزُّ عِزٍّ، فيهِ نَجاةُ كُلِّ هارِبٍ، ودَركُ كُلِّ طالِبٍ، وظَفَرُ كُلِّ غالِب.

'Godwariness is the best treasure and the most protective guard. In it is the salvation of every runaway, the goal of every seeker, and the victory of every conqueror.'

Source: Bihar al-Anwar, v. 77, p. 374, no. 36


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