Hawzah News Agency- Hujjat al -Islam Hadi Elyasi, was a keynote speaker at the Muharram ceremony, which was organized by the religious delegation of Khadim al-Reza (PBUH) at the Heydarian Stadium in Qom on Saturday, August 6 during which he considered the behavior and words of Hazrat Abul Fazl Al Abbas (PBUH) as a lesson in morals and freedom for mankind and added,” Abul Fazl Al Abbas made the right choice in Karbala and his priority was to defend his Imam and what he stood for.”
This religious expert pointed out,” Lady Fatima Zahra (PBUH) recognized the priority in the era when the right of religious guardianship was being trampled and she no longer stayed at home and went to the houses of her community at night. She warned and reminded them of their misguided allegiance in Ghadir Khumm.”
Hujjat al-Islam Elyasi asserted that Imam Ali (PBUH) slept in the bed of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on Laylat al-Mabit as a result of his correctly identifying the priority at the time and said,” Imam Ali (PBUH) saw the preservation of the Prophet's life as a priority and only asked the Prophet of God if I replace you in your bed, will your life be saved? The Holy Prophet said "Yes" and Amir al-Moumenin (PBUH) prepared to sacrifice his life that night to save the Prophet's life.”
Hujjat al-Islam Elyasi considered Hazrat Abul Fazl Al Abbas (PBUH) as a priority-oriented personality and stated,” He reached this eminent position in human history because of his priority-setting and obedience to his Imam.”
The speaker of Khadim al-Reza Mourning Ceremony (PBUH) further said,” Lady Umm ul-Banin called Hazrat Abbas and his other children when the caravan of Imam Hussain (PBUH) was leaving for Karbala and told them, ‘Go with Hussain (PBUH) and do not return without him.’’
Elyasi said,” Lady Umm al-Banin's loyalty is exemplary. When they brought the news of Ashura and its events to Medina, and they were about to tell Lady Umm al-Banin about his children, she said, ‘First tell me about Hussain (PBUH)."
At the end, Hujjat al-Islam Elyasi noted,” We must be careful in choosing our life path and identifying our priorities and never leave our Imam alone.”
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