Friday 8 July 2022 - 20:27

Hawzah News AgencyThe merciful prophet of Islam, peace be upon him and his household says:

إنّ النِّفاقَ يَبدو لُمظَةً سَوداءَ، فكُلّما ازدادَ النِّفاقُ عِظَماً ازدادَ ذلكَ السَّوادُ، فإذا استَكمَلَ النِّفاقُ اسوَدَّ القَلبُ.

'Hypocrisy appears as a black dot [on the heart]. Whenever hypocrisy increases in magnitude that black dot increases, and when hypocrisy becomes complete the heart becomes black.'

Source: Kanz al-Ummal, no. 1734


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