Hawzah News Agency – The merciful prophet of Islam, peace be upon him and his household says:
إذا أرادَ اللَّهُ بقَومٍ خَيراً أكثَرَ فُقَهاءَهُم وأقَلَّ جُهّالَهُم، فإذا تكَلّمَ الفقيهُ وَجدَ أعْواناً، و إذا تَكلَّمَ الجاهِلُ قُهِرَ.
'When Allah wants good for a community, He increases their scholars and decreases their ignorant ones, so when the scholar speaks, he finds supporters, but when the ignorant one speaks, he is defeated.'
Source: Kanz al-Ummal, no. 28692