۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۳ |۲۰ محرم ۱۴۴۶ | Jul 27, 2024
Sheikh Zakzaky

Those in authority think they have the right to take the life of anyone at any moment. Extra-judicial killings have been the order of the day.

Hawzah News Agency –Leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN), in his remarks to commemorate Zaria Massacre in Abuja, stressed that the Nigerian state has turned out to be an instrument of terrorism.
The Islamic Movement in Nigeria has commemorated the sixth anniversary of the Zaria massacre in which the Nigerian government under President Buhari killed hundreds of unarmed Shi'a civilians in Zaria of Kaduna State on 12, December 2015.
While conducting the six Anniversary held in Abuja on Sunday, intellectuals and survivors of the Nigerian military attacks on Sheikh Zakzaky’s residence and Huseiniyya, Center for the Shi'as religious activities in Zaria City have given testimony of the Nigerian Army atrocities they had witnessed which include shooting children and pregnant women to death as well as burning people alive.
Leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky has delivered closing remarks from his house in Abuja, where he talked about human rights, reported Iran press.
In his speech, Sheikh Zakzaky said: "No doubt, human beings are bound to live together. And living together makes it necessary for them to have laws, rules and regulations that will govern their lives. The most fundamental of all the rights are the rights of every individual who finds himself alive, he has a right to live. No one can take away his life unless in a due process of law if he has taken the life of someone."
When elaborating on the attitude of Nigeria's authority of extra-judicial killing, Sheikh Zakzaky said: "We found in present society today that rights to live are taken away. Those in authority think they have the right to take the life of anyone at any moment. Extra-judicial killings have been the order of the day."
The IMN leader lamented how the Nigerian government conducted the genocide when they attacked his residence where almost 1000 armless citizens had been murdered and buried in the mass graves.
The top African Shi'a cleric stressed: "The state has become an instrument of terrorism."


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