Hawzah News Agency – Imam Husayn peace be upon him says:
لَيست العِفَّةُ بِمانِعَةٍ رِزْقاً، ولا الحِرصُ بجالِبٍ فَضْلاً، وإنَّ الرِّزقَ مَقْسومٌ والأجَلَ مَحتومٌ، ؤاسْتِعمالُ الحِرصِ طَالبُ المَأْثَمِ.
'Self-restraint does not prevent [the descent of] sustenance, nor does covetousness attract any surplus [sustenance]; for indeed sustenance is allotted, and death is certain, and covetousness is only asking for sin.'
Source: Alam al-Din, no. 428
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