Wednesday 20 November 2024 - 13:18
Women should pay attention to life of Hazrat Zahra

Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Shia Association stated,” Women play an important role in the creation and decline of any society, and the more moral, insightful and conscientious women are, the easier the way to reform the society.”

Hawzah News Agency- on the occasion of Fatimiyya days, a mourning ceremony was held by the Shia Association of Jammu and Kashmir in Central Hosseiniyeh of Budgam in which hundreds of devotees of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) participated.

In this ceremony, Hojjat al-Islam Seyyed Hassan Mousavi Safavi, referring to the position of Hazrat Zahra (peace be upon her) in the system of creation, said,” following the way of Hazrat Zahra (PBUH) is important and necessary to create a righteous society and cleanse it of deviations.”

Referring to the role of women in the society in reforming the society, he added,” Women play an important role in the progress and decline of any society, and the more ethical, insightful and conscientious women are, the smoother the way to reform the society.”

The head of Shia Association of Jammu and Kashmir continued to say,” The current civilized and developed world has not been able to provide full support to women. If the world wants to follow the laws that Islam has established for the protection of women, it is certainly possible to fulfill the requirements of women's position, dignity and protection.”

He reiterated that Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH) is not only the beacon of the women of the Islamic Ummah, rather women of every race and nation can increase their greatness and status by following the life of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH).


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