ثُمّ خَلَقَ سُبحانَهُ لإسكانِ سَماواتهِ، وعِمارَةِ الصَّفيحِ الأعلى مِن مَلَكوتِهِ، خَلقاً بَديعاً مِن مَلائكتهِ، ومَلأ بِهِم فُروجَ فِجاجِها، وحَشا بِهِم فُتوقَ أجوائها (أجْوابِها).
He, Glory be to Him, then created for the inhabiting of His skies and populating the higher strata of his realm a great creation from among His angels. With them He filled the openings of its cavities and populated with them the vastness of its circumference.
Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon 91
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