۳ آبان ۱۴۰۳ |۲۰ ربیع‌الثانی ۱۴۴۶ | Oct 24, 2024
Ayat Javadi

Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli stated, "Management is a fundamental blessing so one should know how to manage the country, characters such as Martyr Beheshti should be introduced to all, since he was a truly qualified manager, and his politeness and humanity were outstanding.”

Hawzah News Agency- Senior Shia cleric Grand Ayatollah Abdullah Javadi Amoli had a meeting with head of Iran’s Administrative Court of Justice Hujjat al-Islam Hekmat Ali Mozaffari on Friday, June 21 during which he said, “The cultural pole of a nation is its intellect, people should know what religion is and how society is governed by the rules of religion. People should also be familiar with the law; it means that this constitution should be a book of the day so that they know what the law is in this country and when people know the law and obey the law, they will not go astray and will not block anyone's path.”

The Shia source of emulation further noted, “We must be careful not to spend our lives on non-scientific topics; it should be stressed that time and place are not ineffective in the inference of the issue, and this point should be kept in mind in judicial matters.”

"Management is a fundamental blessing so one should know how to manage the country, characters such as Martyr Beheshti should be introduced to all, since he was a truly qualified manager, and his politeness and humanity were outstanding.” The grand Ayatollah added.

Saying that the waste of human capital can be prevented with proper management, His Ecellency acknowledged that examples of proper management are Seyyed Razi and Seyyed Morteza, who established the seminary and recognized talents and strengthened them. “If proper management is not done, human capital is wasted in the country.” He added.

He went on to say that if the work is in the hands of a wise manager, there will be no embezzlement and corruption in the country, and people will obey the law. This is the word of all civilized people that the law should be respected by all.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Grand Ayatollah Abdullah Javadi Amoli noted that Aba Abdullah al-Hussein (PBUH) said that if you don't believe in any religion, at least be free-spirited; We, the people of Iran, are a great and noble nation, and we have always been the cradle of science and civilization in the world, we also live in a country where we enjoy a capital like the pure blood of martyrs, the free people in the world respect the law of their country, so it should be noted that issues like hijab and the like are solved by politeness and justice.

At the beginning of this meeting, Hujjat al-Islam Mozaffari, the head of Iran’s Administrative Court of Justice, presented a report on the programs and activities of this judicial complex.

Hujjat al-Islam Ali Mozaffari, Chief Justice of Qom Province, was also present in this meeting.


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