۳ آبان ۱۴۰۳ |۲۰ ربیع‌الثانی ۱۴۴۶ | Oct 24, 2024

International experts, with the presence of Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky, shared their viewpoints during the webinar titled "Global Pride for the Perseverance and Patience of Gazan People."

Hawzah News Agency- In this virtual meeting, Ayatollah Mohammad Hadavi Tehrani, a member of the Supreme Council of the World Assembly of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT), while congratulating Muslims around the world on the occasion of Eid al-Ghadir, praised the resistance of the Palestinian people and said, “After nearly nine months, we wetness that the Palestinian people are still enduring the conditions to achieve victory.”

Underscoring Islam and the Quran's role in Palestinians’ resistance, he stated, "Thousands are being killed in this war, yet the people remain steadfast in their faith. This is because of a verse of the holy Quran that says, 'Indeed, those who say Our Lord is Allah, and then remain firm – no fear shall be upon them, nor shall they grieve.' إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ قَالُواْ رَبُّنَا ٱللَّهُ ثُمَّ ٱسۡتَقَٰامُواْ فَلَا خَوۡفٌ عَلَيۡهِمۡ وَلَا هُمۡ يَحۡزَنُونَ. Islam can instill this level of patience and resistance in people."

‘Palestinians are being killed, yet they are truly alive’

Pointing to the world's growing awareness of the true nature of Zionism, the member of the Supreme Council of the World Assembly of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) stated, "The world is seeing the truth and essence of Zionism. They are descending, while the people of Gaza are ascending. This will be etched in the memory of history. We will witness the Palestinians’ victory by God's grace as soon as possible."

He remarked, "The Gaza conflict mirrors the Battle of Karbala; people are being killed, yet they are truly alive. The Israelis possess advanced weaponry and US military support, but they will not be remembered in history. As promised in the Quran, God will aid the people of Gaza, and they will emerge victorious."

‘The awakened people of the world are part of the resistance’

Dr. Masoud Shajareh, Chairman of the Islamic Human Rights Commission in London highlighted the world’s support for Palestinians, stating, "The world as a whole has awakened and is witnessing the injustice in Gaza. Yet, human rights defenders have remained silent in the face of these atrocities. We must distinguish between governments committed to oppression and the people of those nations. We are witnessing the people of Paris, London, America, and other parts of the world have awoken. I take my hat off to them.

“Even those who are cooking for the mujaheddin are part of this resistance, let alone the people around the world who have raised their voices in support of the oppressed Palestinians,” he went on to say.

‘Just as the enemy failed to achieve its evil goals through the genocide of Bosnian Muslims, the Zionist regime will also fail’

The head of the Foundation of White Lily in Sarajevo, Bosnia, Mostafa Kamali emphasized that the Zionist regime's weapons are weaker than the resistance of the Palestinian people. As we approach the ninth month of the Gaza war it is a conflict between rights and evils the advanced technology and weapons of the Zionist regime are weak in the face of Palestinian resistance. The regime will not achieve its evil goals in this war. Just as in history, the enemy was unable to achieve its evil goals through the genocide of Bosnian Muslims, the Zionist regime will also fail.

Elahm Kadkhodaei, a professor of the faculty at the University of Tehran, pointed out, "There is a difference between war and occupation. The Palestinian people have been under occupation for decades. In war, young people go somewhere and fight the enemy, but occupation is another concept that the Palestinian people are fighting against, and the Zionist regime has seized their land."

“It is not me or us who help Palestinians, but rather they are the ones who help us by demonstrating the concept of resistance. Palestinian mothers still give birth to their children in this land, which means this nation lives on,” she underlined.

At the end of this webinar, Ayatollah Zakzaky spoke briefly about the current situation in Gaza, stating, “Gaza symbolizes the entire Muslim Ummah. Therefore, the enemies who attack there are ready to attack the entire Muslim community out of hatred against all Muslims. They have no human feelings inside them; Western governments support them and this exposes their lies about defending democracy and human rights.

‘The teachings of Imam Hussain (PBUH) have been passed on to the people of Palestine, Syria, Yemen, and Hezbollah Lebanon’

Ayatollah Zakzaky further noted: "The resistance of the Palestinian people is inspired by the teachings of Imam Hussein (AS), who stood up against Yazid's 30,000 army and whose martyrdom was a testament to victory. The teachings of Imam Hussein (pbuh) have been passed on from the Islamic Republic of Iran to the people of Palestine, Syria, Yemen, and Hezbollah Lebanon. This shows that faith is stronger than any weapon."

Western countries whose claims of supporting democracy and human rights are hollow and their people are two separate things, while the people of the Islamic Republic of Iran and their government are under the same thing, as we witnessed a mass crowd mourned at the funeral of martyr Qasim Soleymani and recent Helicopter crash martyrs.

Concluding his remarks, Ayatollah Zakzaky noted that Palestinians would emerge victorious by the grace of God.


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