Sunday 3 March 2024 - 18:00
"Hijab and Its Role in Mental Health" Book Translated into English

With the efforts of the World Assembly of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT), the book "Hijab and its role in mental health" by Abbas Rajabi was translated and published in English in Nigeria.

Hawzah News Agency- with the efforts of the World Assembly of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT), the book "Hijab and its role in mental health" by Abbas Rajabi, was translated and published in English.

This is a theoretical and field research work on the relationship between attitude towards hijab and mental health of women and girls.

The author's main goal in compiling this book is to prove the effectiveness of Islamic rulings regarding the necessity of veiling for women in front of strangers and the necessity of limiting sexual relations to the family environment in order to ensure women's mental health and reduce their anxieties and depressions.

In the first chapter, the author discussed the history of hijab and explored it in different periods and governments of Iran before and after Islam, as well as in other religions. In the second chapter, he has explained the issue of the naturalness of the hijab and the instinct of a woman's modesty. In the third and fourth chapters, which are the main discussion of the book, the relationship between hijab and women's mental health and the explanation of mental health and anxiety have been investigated.

The results of the author's field research are also included in the final chapter. In this chapter, the effect of various components such as religious attitude, level of education of women, university education of parents, working mothers, place of residence and knowledge of Islamic rulings on the attitude of different groups of society towards veiling has been analyzed and the analysis of its feedback on reducing women's anxiety has also been presented.

The book "Hijab and its role in mental health" was translated by Nasour Limba in Nigeria.


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